Author, editor & occasional blogger
A Matter of Life & Death
A World of Prayer
‘Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved’ Søren Kierkegaard
A warm welcome to my website! I hope you enjoy reading my reflections and more about the three books I have compiled. Two are interfaith anthologies of prayer and the third offers insights and wisdom on the subject of death.
Like the above Kierkegaard quote, ‘Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved’, each of my three compilations presents inspiring verses, images and individual reflections which help give meaning to our lives. I hope something in them resonates with you. Wonder and a sense of awe often go hand in hand with mystery. They help us to live more richly and deeply. For me, the Australian outback offers these in spades!
Ram Dass’s wise words also resonate with me: ‘And in the end we are all just walking each other home.’ I see this as a gentle invitation to social kindness - helping one another on our life’s journey.
As you can see, I have a keen interest in spirituality and Indigenous issues which is reflected in my occasional blogs on my travels and pilgrimages including to Antarctica and the Northern Territory (of Australia). In 2020, I joined the Women’s Reconciliation Network and fervently support The Uluru Statement from the Heart, with its focus on Voice, Treaty and Truth.
Sailing and playing the classical guitar are among my fun diversions and I attend a progressive Catholic church in Sydney.